Thursday, February 13, 2014

Broccoli basil soup

I made it for the first time today and was a little apprehensive as I was not sure how broccoli would taste in soup. But it turned out great, I gave a bowl of this soup to one of my neighbors and she loved it :).
This will make 4-5 serving of soup (serving being one regular size bowl)

  • 2 tbsp cooking oil
  • 2-3 cloves of Garlic 
  • 2-3 green chilies coarsely chopped
  • 1/4th of a large onion chopped
  • 10-12 basil leaves
  • One medium size potato (I used yellow potato)
  • 5-6 cups of broccoli flowerets
  • Salt to taste
  • 1/2 tbsp cumin powder
  • 1 /2 tsp black pepper powder
  • 1/4th cup of mascarpone cheese (can be replaced by heavy cream or 1/2 cup of full fat milk)
  • Water
Heat oil in a pot, add garlic cloves, green chilies and onion and saute till onion is translucent. Then add basil leaves, broccoli, potato, salt, cumin and black pepper powder and stir in everything. After two minute add enough water to cover the contents in the pot, close the lid and let it simmer for 20 minutes (you can also pressure cook it, two whistles). After 20 minutes check if broccoli is cooked, you should be able to mash it with the ladle. Switch off the heat and let the soup cool down a bit, then use an immersion blender to puree the mixture until smooth (you can add more water if the soup is too thick for you). Mix in mascarpone cheese and serve it with any kind of bread (jalapeno cheddar bread in the picture).

You can replace broccoli with tomato (4) and baby carrots (2 cups). And keeping rest of the ingredients and recipe same, you get tomato-carrot soup.

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